Learning to Eat Bitter with Lydia Pang, xenophobia in 2020 and exploring mixed identity through food

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The one where we slowed down and took the time to soak the rice.

Nicole and Emma meet Lydia Pang - the author of cooking zine, Eat Bitter, a beautiful exploration of identity through Hakka heritage cuisine.

Lydia, Nicole and Emma discuss growing up in predominantly white spaces and circling back to explore one side of your identity that’s been quite distant to you. They discuss the rise in xenophobia towards Chinese people across the world and specifically in the US since the Trump presidency and the outbreak of COVID19.

Our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mixeduppodcast
Lydia's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lydia_pang_/ 
Eat Bitter: https://eatbitter.co/ 

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